
Overlapping semi opaque circles with the title Engaging with the Domestic Violence Action Centre: Survivor Experiences

Engaging with the Domestic Violence Action Centre: Survivor Experiences

A summary of research undertaken by researchers at the Life Course Centre.
Download Engaging with the Domestic Violence Action Centre: Survivor Experiences (PDF 456kb)


purple document cover with the DVAC logo and the top right corner turned down

QPS DV Specialist Evaluation

Evaluation of an Embedded Specialist Domestic Violence Worker: A Partnership Between Queensland Police Service and Domestic Violence Action Centre.
Download Evaluation of an Embedded Specialist Domestic Violence Worker QPS DVAC Report (PDF 1.3mb)


Cover of Insights from the field of DFV specialist support

Passionate, relentless, grassroots problem-solving

Insights from the Field of Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Support

Between October 2023 and January 2024, Innovation Unit held one-to-one conversations with representatives from 31 DFV specialist support agencies from across Australia. These conversations explored professional experiences of working with specialist cohorts and communities around DFV support and prevention, as well as the wider shifts in support and conditions needed to really make a difference for people, families and communities.
Download Insights from the Field of Domestic and Family Violence Specialist Support (PDF 2.4mb)


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