In an emergency call the Police on 000
If you need support services call:
(07) 3816 3000 Ipswich
(07) 4642 1354 Toowoomba
Internal transfers required.
For general enquiries call:
(07) 3816 2919 Ipswich
(07) 4566 2630 Toowoomba
If you are seeking support for Men’s Behaviour Intervention Group call:
0417 399 385 Toowoomba
Please advise if you need us to engage an interpreter.
For feedback and complaints click here.
9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday
SASV Ipswich currently has no spaces available and intake is temporarily closed until 31 October 2021.
Alternative services that may be able to assist:
- DV Connect state-wide sexual assault service 12 years+ 1800 010 120
- 24/7 counselling service 1800RESPECT
- Lifeline 131114
- Private Psychologist and Counsellors under a Mental Health Care Plan which can be obtained from your GP to assist in the cost of sessions with a paid service
PLEASE NOTE that these services have their own criteria and eligibility process. Please contact them directly to ensure your referral is appropriate.