Community Brew Co. is a groundbreaking social enterprise operating under the auspices of the Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC). With a commitment to empowerment and skill development, Community Brew Co. offers barista and customer service training and experience.

Coffee with purpose
The profits generated by Community Brew Co. directly support DVAC’s mission to aid survivors of domestic and family violence in their journey towards safety, recovery, and healing.
To book the coffee cart for your next function, you can make an enquiry on the website.

Changing the world one coffee at a time
If you would like to buy a coffee for someone who isn’t able to, you can purchase a shout-a-coffee voucher either at the cart or online. You’re welcome to leave a message or remain anonymous.
If you don’t have the money for a coffee, we invite you to ask us at the cart if there are any pre-paid vouchers available. Chances are you’ll be enjoying your coffee in moments!

Shop online
Coffee beans, keep cups, tea towels and vouchers are available to purchase either from the cart, or from the Community Brew Co. online shop.
We are committed to redirecting all proceeds to support the safety and recovery of domestic and sexual violence victims and survivors.

This venture would not have been possible without the generous support from the AVOW Foundation, which provided seed funding to establish the social enterprise and partnerships with wonderful suppliers like Wolff Coffee Roasters.