Child Safe Organisation

DVAC is and always has been deeply committed to the safety, wellbeing, privacy and empowerment of all children and young people accessing our programs and services including Indigenous children, those from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, those who identify as LGBTQIA+, and children with disability.

diagram describing safe, happy and engaged childrenDVAC works directly with children, young people, and their primary care givers, to support them to be safe from harm.  We recognise that all children and young people have the right to be treated with respect and care, and to be safe from all forms of abuse.

DVAC believes in the power of everyone working together.  We continually take measures to create a place that protects the safety and welfare of children and young people.

A safe environment is one in which children and young people are free from harm or abuse of any type.  DVAC and all our association members have a zero-tolerance approach to any form of child abuse. We maintain an environment where children, young people and all participants feel valued, respected, safe both physically and emotionally, and empowered to reach their full potential.

The DVAC Child Safety & Wellbeing Policy and Procedures are based on the National Principles of Child Safe Organisations, the Queensland Department of Child Safety and Youth & Women’s QLD Child Protection Guide 2.1. They comply with the Child Protection Act 1999, Child Protection Regulation 2023,  Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Act 2000, Working with Children (Risk Management and Screening) Regulation 2020, the QLD Human Rights Act (2019) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The procedure outlines our Child Safety & Wellbeing framework through the ten National Principles incorporating processes from the Department of Child Safety, Youth & Women’s QLD Child Protection Guide 2.1.


purple document cover with the DVAC logo and the top right corner turned down

Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy

Download the Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy (PDF 1mb)


purple document cover with the DVAC logo and the top right corner turned down

Child Counselling Guide

Download A Guide to Supporting Children Accessing Counselling (PDF 222kb)


Yellow background with children's artwork around words describing the rights of all children and young people

Children and Young People’s Rights

Download The Rights of all Children and Young People poster (PDF 1.8mb)
Download the Convention on the Rights of the Child (PDF 2.8mb)

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