Remembrance Day Ceremony 2022

Remembrance Day flyer

Domestic Violence Remembrance Ceremony

May is recognised as Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Domestic and Family Violence is a growing issue in our community with many women and families impacted by its devastating effects.

Remembrance ceremonies are held every year by Domestic Violence services across the country to remember those people who have been killed in the previous twelve months because of Domestic and Family Violence. This event and your attendance is an important way of raising awareness that DFV continues to be a real and serious threat to the safety and wellbeing of many people. This is an opportunity for the community to stand together and raise their voices against Domestic and Family Violence.

DVAC would like to invite you to the Remembrance Ceremony, which will be held on 4th May 2022.

The event will include:

5:30pm meet at d’Arcy Doyle Place for Walk Against Domestic Violence to Tulmur Place
5:50pm Candle Lighting Ceremony begins at Tulmur Place
6:00pm Lighting of candles and minute silence
6:30pm formal proceedings to finish. Lions Club of Ipswich will then be providing a free sausage sizzle and bottled water

Speakers include:

Amie Carrington, CEO Domestic Violence Action Centre
Mayor Teresa Harding, Ipswich City
Survivor, Maree King

We sincerely hope you can attend this event to stand together to raise awareness and work towards ending Domestic Family Violence.


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