You are invited to put on your walking shoes and join the Ipswich & West Moreton community for the annual National Domestic Violence Remembrance Day candlelight vigil and march. This event acknowledges and remembers the people in our community who have lost their lives in the context of domestic and family violence. Held on Wednesday 5th May in central Ipswich, the event commences with community march followed by candle vigil and speeches.
Everyone in the community has a role to play in raising awareness, so please come along and help raise a community voice that says Not Now, Not Ever to domestic and family violence. You, your business, your colleagues, school or friends might like to make your own banner or sign to bring on the night. Here are some ideas of what you might like to write. (link to pdf of banner sign ideas). Candles will be available on the night or you can bring your own.
More details coming soon.